

eQ ® invites you to see the equinoxes as universally and uniquely suited to be Earth Action Days¹:

1) Equinoxes are true planet events
Fixed events every spring and autumn in Earth’s orbit around the sun

2) We are equal under the sun at equinox²
Equal day and night – 12 hours – wherever you are on the planet

3) Two equinoxes double up our annual commitments to act
Pledge twice a year to spring into action and turn over a new leaf at equinox

So many of our problems cross boundaries, continents and oceans – above all, the climate-biosphere crisis. Yet at a planetary level, so much more unites us than divides. Equinoxes are ideal moments to rebalance and reconnect, to energise our instincts to both innovate and preserve.

Whether through a pledge, an audit, a link, or just small actions multiplied a thousand-thousandfold, twinned equinoxes can help us accelerate towards a sustainable post-carbon future.

These EQ blogs offer perspectives on what equinoxes offer.

¹a 2023 4k hi-res promo video for EQ is here
²a 2013 demo website protecting EQ’s domain is here
© Martin Nelson 24th September 2023
eQ ® registered to W M O Nelson 2024
® registered to Equinoctial Days Ltd. 2015

Join EQ’s Sun-sational Equinox Challenge!

Capture the universal synchronised sunrise and sunset this equinox

Ready to be part of something truly illuminating? Here’s how and why…
Equinoxes are the magic moments in March and September when all life on Earth is in balance.
EQ says at equinox, with 12 hours of day, 12 of night everywhere on the planet we are equal-under-the-sun. Simply by joining shutterbugs around the world you can prove it! Continue reading

Autumn equinox 2023: the launch of EQ – the movie

There was no post for Spring equinox 2023, but I was certainly busy, because at equinox adventurer-filmmaker James Levelle and I were on the beach, filming. Brean Beach and Down on the Bristol Channel are aligned N-S and E-W; ideal for explaining equinoxes and promoting EQ’s positive and universal message, and the sand under the cliffs perfect for raking out a large EQ™ logo. The plan was hurriedly put together on the phone, and in fine morning sun we met – for the first time – on the beach. Continue reading

EQ has a new logo

EQ has had a logo ‘makeover’. It retains the geometry of Phi, the golden section proportion that carries so much information and philosophy central to EQ, but also incorporates the tilt of Earth’s axis – 23.5°

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Reflections after COP 27 – Grain and Coal

A year ago, before COP26, I reflected upon the bald statement made in LIFE, the popular mainstream magazine, way back in 1953: ‘Man himself … may be the cause of our warming climate’. Now, after COP27, with some anaemic progress chalked up, what personal experiences resonate with global events and deliberations? Well, during a summer visit to NE Poland, on a riverboat trip in Gdansk, we witnessed bulk carriers loading grain and unloading coal… Continue reading

EQ at Autumn Equinox 2022. The centre MUST hold

The moment of Autumn Equinox is at 01.03 UST (GMT) on Friday 23rd September this year. Thursday was World Car Free Day, and on Wednesday 21st UNESCO celebrated International Day of Peace (President Putin did not). It seems the 23rd is also World Za’atar and Restless Legs Awareness Day. Or, daysoftheyear.com tells me, you could hug a vegetarian, or celebrate bisexuality.

Where do the equinoxes fit into this busy calendar of diverse celebration? Above and beyond, surely, Continue reading

COP 26 – a personal perspective

The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by 10% in the last 50 years…Man himself then, may be the cause of our warming climate.’ Nothing unremarkable at first glance, but reading this a few weeks ago stopped me in my tracks. Why?

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